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Pre-school Program

Our aim in this room is to promote early learning skills with interaction, play and Pre-school learning.

Children in this room are aged between 3 to 5 years old, the educational programs in this room accommodates for both age groups.

The children aged between 3-4 years old enjoy the Balance between play and fun with literacy and numeracy as these are skills required to assist them in the transition to school.

Children who are 4-5 year old will enjoy daily specific School Readiness program which is incorporated in all aspects of the daily program.  The School Readiness program aims to prepare the children for Kindergarten and life with skills, such as self help skills, problems solving, independence, confidence and social interactions with their peers.

Children will engage in activities such as small and large group story sharing, drawing and writing, learning about colours, shapes and numbers, developing responsibilities and caring for their own belongings.