Pre-school Program

All children in our Pre-school Program engage in group activities that promote self-reliance and responsibility. From recognizing colors and shapes to managing personal items, our activities are tailored to enhance cognitive development and prepare young minds for the future.

Early Learner Engagement

Ages 3-4: Playful Foundations
Our program for 3 to 4-year-olds focuses on blending play with foundational literacy and numeracy. Through interactive storytelling, drawing, and explorative learning, we ensure these early learners develop the essential skills they need for their educational journey ahead.

Young minds learrning the basics of maths in the preschool program at Fun2Learn

School Readiness Focus

Ages 4-5: Preparing for Kindergarten
For children between 4 to 5 years old, our daily School Readiness program is designed to integrate learning into all activities. It focuses on fostering independence, problem-solving, and social skills, laying a strong foundation for their transition to formal schooling.

Interactive learning with blocks at Fun2Learn daycare.

Educational Program

Toddlers Program

Nursery Program

Unlock Your Child’s Potential - Book a Consultation Today!

Take the first step towards your child's bright future at Fun2Learn. Book a consultation or call today to see how our educational programs can benefit your little one.